Student Grants and Awards

IWSM 2020: Student Grants and Awards

The Statistical Modelling Society and the IWSM strongly encourage students to submit papers and posters, and three awards will be given (Best Student Paper, Best Student Presentation and Best Student Poster). Also, the Statistical Modelling Society wishes to increase the number of participants from countries that have so far been underrepresented at the IWSM. To that aim, two travel grants are provided.

IWSM 2020: Student Awards

Students attending the Workshop have the possibility to compete for these three student Awards (sponsored by Toyota Motor Corporation):

  • The Toyota Motor Corporation Award for the best student paper: US $ 500
  • The Toyota Motor Corporation Award for the best student presentation: US $ 500
  • The Toyota Motor Corporation Award for the best student poster: US $ 500

In order to be considered for these awards, the presenting author must make it clear that he/she is a student on abstract submission (Abstract Submission).

In addition, to confirm the student status, a statement signed by the student's supervisor or another authority from the university is required. This statement must be sent before February 15, 2020 (NEW Deadline) February 22, 2020 to María Xosé Rodríguez Álvarez ( Only one winner for each award will be selected.

Best IWSM 2020 Student Paper

Students participating in IWSM 2020 with an oral presentation will compete automatically for the Best IWSM 2020 Student Paper award. This award includes a fast-tracked review, and publication of the paper in the Society's journal Statistical Modelling, subject to prior agreement from the author/authors and being accepted by the editorial board of the journal. The Best IWSM 2020 Student Paper will be selected by the Student Workshop Panel together with representatives of the Editors of Statistical Modelling from all papers being at the same time orally presented by the student author during regular sessions of the IWSM 2020. The student must be the lead investigator of the paper, which is certified by the student's advisor. The quality of the presented paper itself (and not its oral presentation) will predominantly determine the evaluation.

Best IWSM 2020 Student Presentation

Students participating in IWSM 2020 with an oral presentation will compete automatically for the Best IWSM 2020 Student Presentation award. The presentations will be evaluated by the Student Workshop Panel independently of the Best IWSM 2020 Student Paper award. The student must be the lead investigator of the presented research, which is certified by the student's advisor. The quality of the oral presentation will predominantly determine the evaluation. Best IWSM 2020 Student Poster Students participating in IWSM 2020 with a poster presentation will compete automatically for the Best IWSM 2020 Student Poster award. The presentations will be evaluated by the Student Workshop Panel. The student must be the lead investigator of the presented research, which is certified by the student's advisor.

Best IWSM 2020 Student Poster

Students participating in IWSM 2020 with a poster presentation will compete automatically for the Best IWSM 2020 Student Poster award. The presentations will be evaluated by the Student Workshop Panel. The student must be the lead investigator of the presented research, which is certified by the student's advisor.

IWSM 2020: Travel Grants

The Statistical Modelling Society will provide up to two travel grants to support students who have no other means of financial support.

These travel grants will include:

  • Student registration fee for the IWSM including a one-year subscription to the journal Statistical Modelling.
  • Participation in the IWSM social events (excursion and conference dinner).
  • Subsidies for travel and accommodation costs (based upon presenting receipts) up to 800 EUR.

To apply for a student travel grant the student must:

  • Actively participate in the IWSM by giving an oral presentation.
  • Send an essay about one page (PDF) describing his/her research and in particular its connections to statistical modelling in a broader context (past achievements, future plans).
  • Include a letter of reference (PDF, scanned copy of) signed by the supervisor, head of department or similar authority that confirms the student status, assesses the candidate's abilities and briefly explains the funding situation.

Abstract should be submitted through the standard conference abstract submission form (Abstract Submission). Essays and reference letters should be sent via email to María Xosé Rodríguez Álvarez ( with the subject line 'Travel grant IWSM'. The deadline to submit the application and related documents is set on February 15, 2020 (NEW Deadline) February 22, 2020. Decisions on the student travel grants will be made by the Scientific Committee and representatives of the Statistical Modelling Society based on the submitted documents (see above). The Statistical Modelling Society wishes to increase the number of participants from countries that have so far been underrepresented at the IWSM. Students affiliated with institutions of the host country (Spain) are not eligible for the IWSM 2020 travel grants.