Abstract Submission

IWSM 2020: Abstract Submission

Submission of abstracts (for both oral or poster presentation) is made through the abstract submission forms:


NOTE: If you don't have a Google account, make sure to first fill out the corresponding form and then submit the abstract in PDF format to iwsm2020@bcamath.org

The registration for the conference (including the payment of the conference fee) is an independent step (Registration).

The presenting author must submit the PDF file prepared in LaTeX using the guidelines described below. The deadline for abstract submission for oral presentation is February 15, 2020 (NEW Deadline) February 22, 2020 and for poster presentation is April 1, 2020.

Abstracts must include the title of the paper, name(s) of the author(s), the affiliation(s) and an email address for correspondence. The abstract should report the substantive problem and the data analysed, as well as the approach and models used. Also, include a clear statement of the main results and conclusions and the key references. The workshop language is English.

If you are a Student and you want apply for a Student Grant please visit Student Grants and Awards.

In case you have any question or comment, please contact us via email: iwsm2020@bcamath.org


Abstracts, for both poster and oral presentation, must be prepared in LaTeX using the style file iwsm.sty and the template file templateIWSM2020.tex. The file templateIWSM2020.zip includes the necessary files. Please do not use external bib-files and follow the guidelinesIWSM_2020.pdf very strictly. Please do not alter or add additional packages to these files.

To ensure proper evaluation, abstracts should be approximately (but no more than) 4 pages. After having created your 4-page long abstract with the provided LaTeX style files, you can upload and submit the compiled pdf via Abstract Submission.

Reviewing and Acceptance

All submitted abstracts, for oral and poster presentation, will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. A decision on the acceptance of the abstracts submitted for oral presentation will be made by April 10, 2020, and notification will be sent by email. Due to the limited number of oral presentations, some authors who have submitted an abstract for an oral presentation might be asked to present a poster instead. A decision on the acceptance of the abstracts submitted for poster presentation will be made by April 25, 2020, and notification will be sent by email.

Note: Until the time of acceptance, only the PDF of the abstract is required.

Final Manuscript

Final manuscripts (after acceptance) for both oral and poster presentation, must be prepared in LaTeX using the style file iwsm.sty and the template file templateIWSM2020.tex. The file templateIWSM2020.zip includes the necessary files. Please do not use external bib-files and follow the guidelinesIWSM_2020.pdf very strictly. Please do not alter or add additional packages to these files.

The final manuscript, ready for printing, should be submitted by sending an email to iwsm2020@bcamath.org no later than April 30, 2020 (NEW Deadline) June 15, 2020. The authors must send a single .zip file including the final PDF file (as the paper should appear), the source .tex file, and the associated figure files (in .PDF). Final manuscripts will be handled (and included in the Proceedings) only for participants registered with payment. The formal registration deadline for authors is April 30, 2020.

Because the proceedings are archived electronically (as PDF) on the Statistical Modelling Society webpage and the PDF will also be available from the conference webpage, we encourage authors to submit their figures in colours. Nevertheless, in the printed version of the proceedings, all figures will be printed on a greyscale. Hence the authors should make sure that their plots retain their informative value even when printed on a greyscale. .


  • Registration and payment are requested before submitting the final manuscript.
  • Maximum length of final paper: 4 pages for poster presentations; 6 pages for oral presentations.

Proceedings Volume

All the accepted papers (for both oral and poster presentation) will be included in the Workshop Proceedings. As for previous IWSMs, there will be two volumes: Vol. 1 devoted to oral presentations and Vol. 2 devoted to the posters. The printed form of Vol. 1 will be provided to all registered participants. The printed form of Vol. 2 will be distributed only if requested upon registration (additional charge applies). Participants of the conference will be provided with a free PDF file of Vol. 2 for download.

All the accepted papers (for both oral and poster presentation) will be included in the Workshop Proceedings. As for previous IWSMs, there will be two volumes: Vol. 1 devoted to oral presentations and Vol. 2 devoted to the posters. All authors will be provided with a free PDF file of Vol. 1 and 2 for download.

Legal Considerations

By submitting a final paper, authors agree to grant the organizers of the workshop the right to publish the paper in the conference proceedings volume, to be distributed at the workshop. The material should not have been published elsewhere before the workshop. The workshop does not claim copyright and authors are free to publish the same material elsewhere after the workshop. Authors should ensure that publication in the conference proceedings does not conflict with the rights of third parties, nor violate non-disclosure agreements or copyright laws.